Sunday, March 7, 2010

Let The Right One In

            If she knocks, let her in. Let the Right One In is a recent film in a longer-than-should be list of vampire movies being released nowadays. However, this one movie is worth watching and very good to say the least. The movie is a Sweden film, so watching with subtitles is a must. Don’t you dare turn on the English dubs. A bad dub can ruin any movie. If you haven’t seen a film with subtitles, don’t worry, it’s not as horrible as it might sound, once you get into it, it flows pretty smoothly after awhile. This may actually be a good film to start off with because the dialog is not fast paced.
From the beginning of the movie, the mood is set quickly. No intro music, dark, silent, and snowy. And for the rest of the film it’s this setting throughout. Now, don’t interpret this as the movie being slow moving, it certainly isn’t. The story sucks you in to a dark world and really doesn’t let go until the very end. Although it’s classified as a vampire movie, to call this a vampire movie would be incorrect. It’s more of coming-of-age love-ish story that happens to have a vampire in it. But not all is rosey and lovey dubby in the world of Eli (the 12-year old vampire), the movie touches on some extremely dark subjects and hints on others that make you wonder “how could anyone write/think about this?”. From what I’ve heard, we’re saved from some of the grosser scenes that are featured in the book. But alas, don’t let that scare you away, it does have a purpose and it comes together in the end.
           The above paragraph will be the most detail you’ll get about the movie from my review. Again, it is a Swedish film and needs to be watched with subs. However, if you have no means of obtaining the movie, there will be an American-remake this October. I don’t recommend waiting for that release though, it’s sure to tame and dumb down even further than the Swedish version. Frankly, the Swedish version’ settings, tone, characters, and camera work are perfect for the story and, without blatant rip-off, just can’t be matched.
           The film stands in IMDB’s top 250 and rightfully so. Last I checked it was around #199 and deserves to be higher. The film is also the best of the fantasy-trilogy reviews. To the causal movie go’er this film may ride on the demented side, but if you’re actually in the mood for a unique and fascinating story that you won’t find in other vampire movies being released today, this is the movie for you. Go See. 

Fish Bowl Rating: (Out of 5)

1 comment:

  1. Well said, I doubt I could have said it any better myself.
